Möserer See – Tyrol, Austria


The last weeks, weather has been crazy and in some parts of Tyrol, it actually snowed. Just shortly before May began! When there were finally two short days of sun after weeks of rain, I decided to make the most of my free Thursday and went on a little walk along the Möserer See.


The Möserer See is a lake not too close but also not too distant from Innsbruck. I intentionally went 25 minutes away from the city centre, to escape the other citizens that wanted to spend the sunny day outside. The lake is part of the village of Mösern, which is located on the Seefeld plateau, which I already mentioned when talking about the Rosshütte ski area. Also, it's rather close to the Eibsee in Bavaria I talked about in autumn. The lake came into my mind while researching where to go, as it's not too far away, and I've already been there a few times as a kid with my parents.

The Möserer See developed during the last Ice Age, which I think is pretty cool, and different from some other lakes close by, it exists throughout the year. Also, in the middle of the lake, there is a very small island, consisting only of trees. The walk I took was pretty short, but if you are interested in something longer, there are various combinations for it, such as the Friedensglockenwanderweg or hikes up to the peaks of the surrounding mountains. I can't wait to try them out as well, but this time I did not have enough time to do so.

After parking the car, I made my way to the lake, and while most of the parts of the walk along the lake are suitable for prams, you can't walk the full round as at some parts the way gets narrow and also filled with roots. Therefore, I wouldn't quite suggest taking one with you, but I assume the walk is quite suitable for children as well. Despite it being a normal workday, there were other people around, so I was quite glad I did not go a day earlier, which was labour day. Going around the lake will take you not more than half an hour, as it's only about 2 kilometres, so it's perfect for a little afternoon or morning getaway. There are also various benches to rest along the way.


Along the walk, there's also a restaurant, but it was still closed, as the bathing season hasn't started yet. In summer, lots of people come to the sea to swim in it, as for a lake up in the mountains it gets quite warm (compared to other lakes, such as the Achensee which stays cold throughout the year). I definitely need to come back to relax in the sun and enjoy an ice cream with such a pretty view. But coming so early in the season has also had benefits, as I got to witness various animals, such as fishes or ducks, calmly swimming their rounds in the lake, completely undisturbed by people.

Also, I might add that fishing and boating is forbidden in the lake, so the boat you can sometimes see in the pictures either had a special permit or was there illegally.

I hope you liked my little start into the hiking season, even though it was just about a relaxing walk along a lake and I can't wait to go out some more and really start to hike. Hopefully, the weather will be better and more steady in the future so we all get to enjoy a bit more of our time outdoors.
